I en stuga.
Godmorgon på er!
Vad har hänt nu på senaste tiden, jag har inte riktigt lagt ner tid på bloggen nu vilket är synd, då det är mycket som jag vill berätta och skriva om. Men i somras hade vi inget internet i lägenheten där i bodde på Mallorca, det blir som det blir ibland. Kort om sommaren; Underbart väder, första gången jag kännt mig "hemma" i en lägenhet (tro mig, jag har bott i en hel del sunkiga säsongs lägenheter under dessa år!), jag har lärt mig att jag inte hör hemma i resturang branchen (aldrig mer) och där med kommit underfund med att jag älskar att arbeta med barn och som lekledare:)
Vi städade ut lägenheten och fick med oss det mesta, och åkte till England med ett kvällsflyg den 25 oktober. Där var vi och träffade James familj, myst massor och tagit det lungt. Sen var det dags att packa väskan igen och den 4 november begav vi oss till Sverige. Här har det också blivit en del mysdagar, filmkvällar och mycket mat. Igår åkte James hem och jag stannar själv kvar fram till den 16 december då jag åker till England. Där ska vi fira jul och sedan åker vi till alperna, Alagna i Italien och åker skidor i en månad, men inget jobb denna gången. Det blir istället skidåkning fullt ut, kanske lite puder dagar och afterski. Förra säsongen var vi på andra sidan berget och arbetade i Gressoney, vilket var jättekul men det blev inte mycket fritid. Jag har många fina, galna och roliga minnen från mina säsonger.. Guadeloupe, Avoriaz, Sauze D' Oulx, Mallorca, Belle Plagne och Gressoney. Men också hårt arbete och träffat många cocosnötter:) Man blir bara rikare på erfarenheter I guess.
Vad händer sen? Som vanligt, Dont know, we will see.. Live life.
Jag sitter just nu och tittar på bilder från diverse äventyr, just för att jag vill skapa en bildvägg när jag väl slår mig ner och stannar. Här är mina favoriter som ska sättas upp!
Good morning to you!
What has happened now lately, I have not really spent time on the blog now which is a shame, as there is much that I want to tell and write about. But last summer, we had no internet at the apartment where the lived in Mallorca. Short about the summer; Wonderful weather, first time I've felt "home" in an apartment (believe me, I've lived in a lot of shabby seasonal apartments during these years!), I have learned that I do not belong in the resturant industry (never again) and thereby come to realize that I love working with children after being the Miniclub Manager:)
We cleaned out the apartment and got most of the things, and went to England with an evening flight on 25 October. There we met James and family, cozy and taking it easy. Then it was time to pack the bag again and 4 November we went to Sweden. It has also been alot of cozy days, movie nights and great food. Yesterday James went home and I stay here until 16 December, when I go to England. Where should we celebrate Christmas, and then we go to the Alps, Alagna in Italy and skiing in a month, but no job this time. It will only be skitime, maybe some powder days and apres-ski. Last season, we were on the other side of the mountain and worked in Gressoney, which was great fun but it was not much free time. I have many nice, crazy and fun memories from my seasons .. Guadeloupe, Avoriaz, Sauze d'Oulx, Mallorca, Belle Plagne and Gressoney. But also hard work and met many "coconuts" :) I just get richer in experience, I guess.
What happens next? As usual, dont know, We will see .. Live life.
What has happened now lately, I have not really spent time on the blog now which is a shame, as there is much that I want to tell and write about. But last summer, we had no internet at the apartment where the lived in Mallorca. Short about the summer; Wonderful weather, first time I've felt "home" in an apartment (believe me, I've lived in a lot of shabby seasonal apartments during these years!), I have learned that I do not belong in the resturant industry (never again) and thereby come to realize that I love working with children after being the Miniclub Manager:)
We cleaned out the apartment and got most of the things, and went to England with an evening flight on 25 October. There we met James and family, cozy and taking it easy. Then it was time to pack the bag again and 4 November we went to Sweden. It has also been alot of cozy days, movie nights and great food. Yesterday James went home and I stay here until 16 December, when I go to England. Where should we celebrate Christmas, and then we go to the Alps, Alagna in Italy and skiing in a month, but no job this time. It will only be skitime, maybe some powder days and apres-ski. Last season, we were on the other side of the mountain and worked in Gressoney, which was great fun but it was not much free time. I have many nice, crazy and fun memories from my seasons .. Guadeloupe, Avoriaz, Sauze d'Oulx, Mallorca, Belle Plagne and Gressoney. But also hard work and met many "coconuts" :) I just get richer in experience, I guess.
What happens next? As usual, dont know, We will see .. Live life.
I'm sitting right now and looking at pictures from the various adventures, because I want to create a photo wall once I stop somewhere. Here are my favorites!
Studenten 2009
Guadeloupe, Hotel Fort Royal
Sauze D'Oulx
Sauze D'Oulx
Belle Plagne
1 kommentarer
21 Nov 2014 17:08
Så fräcka bilder!👍