Jag har läst lite om denna nya trend "att leva Paleo", och faller för en del grejer. Att äta naturligt socker från frukt och grönt, inga halvfabrikat, ekologiskt, kött från slaktaren, glutenfritt och mjölkfria produkter. Sen är det så att jag inte vill vara extrem, jag kommer fortfarande vilja unna mig grejer som man inte kan göra själv, som kaviar på tub, julmust och mjölk till kaffet på morgonen. Jag har provat att ha kokosmjölk i mitt kaffe men njä det var inte riktigt samma grej! Hur som helst har jag köpt lite grejer, som Chiafrö, linfrön, kokosmjöl/mjölk, mandelmjöl och fiberhust. Men jag måste erkänna att shitpommes det är dyrt med dessa produkter. Oavsätt så skall det prövas:) Här har vi då mitt försök på en pannkaka (mer som en röra), med bär och en mosad banan. Det blev rätt gott och jag är mätt! Varmt rekomenderat:)
I have read a little about this new trend "of living Paleo", and I like some of the stuff. To eat natural sugar from fruit and veg, no ready made food, organic, meat from the butcher, gluten-free and dairy-free products. I do not want to be extreme, I still like to treat myself to stuff that you can not do yourself, like caviar in tubes, swedish julmust and milk to coffee in the morning. I've tried to have coconut milk in my coffee but hmmm it was not really same thing! Anyway, I bought some stuff like Chiaseed, linseed, coconut flour / milk, almond flour and fiber Hust. But I must admit that it is expensive with these products. Well well, it has to be tested :) Here we have my attempt of a pancake (more like a mess), with berries and a mashed banana. It got pretty good and I'm full! Warmly recomended :)
I have read a little about this new trend "of living Paleo", and I like some of the stuff. To eat natural sugar from fruit and veg, no ready made food, organic, meat from the butcher, gluten-free and dairy-free products. I do not want to be extreme, I still like to treat myself to stuff that you can not do yourself, like caviar in tubes, swedish julmust and milk to coffee in the morning. I've tried to have coconut milk in my coffee but hmmm it was not really same thing! Anyway, I bought some stuff like Chiaseed, linseed, coconut flour / milk, almond flour and fiber Hust. But I must admit that it is expensive with these products. Well well, it has to be tested :) Here we have my attempt of a pancake (more like a mess), with berries and a mashed banana. It got pretty good and I'm full! Warmly recomended :)