Let it snow!
Min älskling!
Igår gick jag upp klockan 2 på natten för att ta bussen till flygplatsen. Jag var framme kl 4 och mitt flyg mot Danmark gick först kl 7.. Mycket dötid. En timmes sömn på planet och jag var helt färdig när jag kom hem till Höllviken. Idag åker James till St.Anton då han ska på utbildning inför guide jobbet i vinter. Det känns lite jobbigt att vara ifrån varandra igen, och vi ses i Italien nästa gång. Vilken dag vet vi inte. Den andra december ska jag iväg på min child care utbildning:) Det ska bli spännande! En helt ny erfarenhet. Jag älskade att arbeta med barnen i sommras och tycker det är så himla kul. Denna gången blir det på heltid dessutom:) JAG LÄNGTAR EFTER SNÖÖÖ!
My baby!
Yesterday I got up at 2 o'clock at night to take the bus to the airport. I arrived at 4pm and my flight to Denmark went first at 7pm .. Very slack. An hour of sleep on the plane and I was totally dead when I got home to Hollviken. Today James goes to St.Anton, for some guide training to the work this winter. It feels a little hard to be apart again, and I'll se him in Italy next time. On what a day we do not know. On December 2, I set off on my childcare training :) It will be exciting! A whole new experience. I loved working with the kids this summer and think it's so much fun. This time it will be full time also :) I LONG FOR SNOOOOW!
Yesterday I got up at 2 o'clock at night to take the bus to the airport. I arrived at 4pm and my flight to Denmark went first at 7pm .. Very slack. An hour of sleep on the plane and I was totally dead when I got home to Hollviken. Today James goes to St.Anton, for some guide training to the work this winter. It feels a little hard to be apart again, and I'll se him in Italy next time. On what a day we do not know. On December 2, I set off on my childcare training :) It will be exciting! A whole new experience. I loved working with the kids this summer and think it's so much fun. This time it will be full time also :) I LONG FOR SNOOOOW!